$197 ONLY $27 

The "Own Your Now" Workshop

Discover Michaela's thREe shifts framework to finding fulfillment that nobody tells you about.

Let's be real...27 bucks...you've spent that in the Target dollar section (just me?!?)

Say no more, I'm ready!

I see you sis!

Everywhere you look, you're being reminded of everything that you DON'T have and want.

We are constantly bombarded with images, slogans, commercials, and tv shows that romanticize where we "should" be in life.

(I'm well aware that I'm single...thank you Hallmark channel.  PS still waiting to inherit that Inn.) 

Not only that, but we feel alone in where we are, thinking things like:

"What's wrong with me?" (everyone ELSE has their ish together)

"She created a whole business in COVID and I'm over here eating my feelings" (opens the spicy Cheetos bag)

"I thought I would be married by now" (watches 25th holiday Hallmark movie which isn't helping)

"I'll be happier when I ___ (get the promotion, get engaged, buy the house, start a family)"

"Why am I alone in this?" (scrolling through IG)

"Everyone else has this community of amazing friends, why can't I seem to find my "sex in the city" tribe? 

Have you ever thought these things?  


"But Michaela, I've tried everything and none of it works..."


Really sit with these questions (maybe even close your eyes and imagine it)

  • How would you show up in the world if you had a completely renewed self-image?
  • How would you feel if you had unshakable peace about the season of life you're in?
  • How would life be different if your emotions didn't lead the way? 
  • What if no matter what happens, internally or externally, you were able to move through it intuitively and effortlessly?
  • What if you were the woman you were created to be and not the woman you've been conditioned to be?
  • What if you were happy...like truly happy?  What would that look like? 



I don't blame you but I want to challenge you to press into this.   

I'm ready!


This Workshop is a Must-Attend if...

  • You keep saying AMEN sis as you're scrolling through this page!
  • You feel "behind" in life or like you're being left behind.
  • You feel like you're on a hamster wheel in life. 
  • You wish you felt more fulfilled in your current season.
  • You're feeling lonely and frustrated with dating or in your friendships.
  • You know you need to improve your boundaries in life and relationships but don't know how to. 
  • You're ready for that breakthrough moment.
  • You're ready to make a change.
  • You're ready to own your right now season and every season to come ahead of you.
Say no more! I'm in!

A Personal Invitation from Michaela

Hi friend! I'm Michaela Belle and I'm the creator of the Own your Now journal, the Own your Thoughts journal, the creator of the SAVVY single course, host of a Top 50 Podcast, speaker, and single mom to the world’s youngest preacher. (for real follow me on IG if you want to see a 9-year-old who could be a life coach @michaelabelle) 

I've done all the heavy lifting for you aka I've read the entire self-help section of Barnes and Nobles (slight exaggeration), spent thousands on therapy (not an exaggeration), hired a coach, and dove into healing the wounds of abusive relationships in my past, connected to God in a real way, developed habits that shifted my mindset and outlook on my season and became someone I've always wanted to be...happy. Happy exactly where I'm at, in the body I have, in the house I have, with the friendships around me. I learned how to go from frustrated and single to savvy and single. I learned how to be a rockstar in my finances as a single woman, I learned how to confidently date and how to establish boundaries. 

Am I perfect? Heeeeck NO! But holy guacamole have I grown and I'm proud of who I am, despite my imperfections.   

I'm so ready to meet you and to help you fully own your now season! 



I'll see you there.

What's included

1-Hr  Workshop 

  • You’ll learn how to appropriately define your season because how you define something determines how you treat it.
  • You’ll learn how to crack the code for what makes people happy, and it’s not what you think it is.
  • You’ll learn the key to being emotionally fit.
  • You’ll learn the fastest thing that's stopping you from any progress, joy or fulfillment.
  • I’ll tell you the one person who will heal you. 
  • You'll learn the three-step system to battle and remove blame in your life. 
  • You'll learn Michaela’s number one practice for transforming from sad to savvy.
7 Days from my "Own Your Thoughts" journal. 

Mindfulness matters. Asking yourself the right questions, matters. Use 7-days from my "Own Your Thoughts" journal to help you implement all you've learned from the workshop, and start redefining your thought life.

Download one of my daily morning meditations.

Taking time for yourself, reflection and implementation to action are important. I'll walk you through intentionally realigning your day so you can step into the day as your savviest self. 

Only $27? What a steal!

After purchase you'll receive:

  • Lifetime access to the workshop.
  • Part of my "Own Your Thoughts" Journal for you to continue practicing daily affirmations in a new way.
  • A meditation led by me you can play any time to refocus and recenter yourself.
  • Also be the first to hear about exclusive offers and first dibs on new products.

$197 $27 Workshop

The "Own Your Now" Workshop

Let's get started!